Thursday, 2 December 2010

An interesting hanger concept

During my research for packaging design for a project, I came across this impressive design concept that incorporates a hanger and a bag. I think this is a brilliant idea as from previous experience working in a clothes shop, I found putting hangers into a bag a nightmare. Check out the link

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Art Deco Miami Hotel

During my dissertation research on Art Deco, I came across this lego replica of an Art Deco building and the Art Deco Miami Hotel.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Shape Animals

These are some characters I designed in my spare time. I am hoping to design a storybook with them and come up with some more shape characters. The new characters that have been added are; diamond fish and parallelogram rabbit.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Old game packaging

During my visit to my grandparents I came across these games spirograph and whot card and was interested by their packaging. I like the simple use of bright colours to attract children's attention, as well as simple patterns and type on the boxes.

Friday, 22 October 2010


These are various steps you can carry out in order to save energy in everyday life.
1) Cook together to save turning the oven on and off.
2) Switch off plugs that aren't in use.
3) Turn the tap off when your not using it e.g when brushing your teeth don't leave the tap running.
4) Switch the television off at the plug, don't leave it on standby.
5) Only leave your laptop on sleep for 30 minutes, if you leave it longer shut it down.
6) Walk when you can instead of using a car.

Burlesque Style Photo shoot

These are photos taken from a photo shoot I did for a magazine article on burlesque. The idea is to celebrate curves and represent the teasing element of burlesque.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Visit to Hull

Below are images of giant model toads. This is to mark the 25 year anniversary of Philip Larkin's Death, he was known for his poetry and wrote two poems about the amphibians, both taking a wry look at the working. life.


For a 2nd year brief tokyo:ocean one part of the project was that I had to design a piece of wall graphics to represent community. My idea was to add community quotes and wisdom quotes to make it thought provoking for those viewing the design.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

London Trip

For the first time this summer I went to London, and took photos of things that inspired me and that I also found interesting during my trip. Some of these interest's where modernist style architecture, objects from the V&A Museum, posters from The Underground walkways. St. James's Park, Buckingham Palace.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Sweet project

Here are some outcomes from my current personal work that I have set myself to do over the summer holidays. The brief I had set myself was to design packaging and an identity for retro sweets, in an old fashion sweet shop named familiar favourites. The pattern I have taken from books I found in a charity shop and scanned in. The first pattern is by Orla Kiely a well known designer.